27 June 2011

hello, summer.

I feel like it's been forever since I've written.

Maybe because it has been.

Maybe because it's been hot here in Arizona and I spend the afternoons camped out, napping while Jack naps and when he awakes, we share a smoothie and hit the road to beat the heat. ie, go to goodwill or walmart. Your pick.

Maybe because Jack just doesn't allow for computer time anymore. If he sees the computer/tv screen on (our computer doubles as our tv) than he is convinced it is time for one or all of the following: Wonder Pets, Thomas the Train, Fireman Sam or some documentary about cars that John watches with him. He likes his shows, but we try to limit his time, thus, mom gets her computer time limited too.

the boys had fun, but they were cold. It was so funny because they would just sand at the end where all the kids were sliding.

but after a quick wardrobe change, Jack grew to like it.

Maybe because when we are awake we are out with friends enjoying water parties or making trips to Costco or trying to embrace and enjoy summer. I wish I could say that with real enthusiasm. I must tell you that I've been listening to Christmas music on Pandora nearly every morning because it brings me so much joy. I can't wait for winter to be here once again. I know that sounds strange and kind of...sad, but I do love a little chill. I'm trying to embrace summer by enjoying plenty of watermelon, listening to plenty of bluegrass, going for walks after the sun dozes and looking forward to the monsoons which should arrive in 30 days or more. But whose counting?

And once the big kids took a break they figured out how to slide.
again and again

We've also been celebrating Father's Day, enjoying bluegrass festival at the square and listening to Jack's new whine/squeal. Sometimes, he can't decide when he's happy or sad.

 I wish you could hear this noise. Seriously hilarious/ kind of annoying.

It might have been a while since I've written because I've had a strange case of first trimester all-day nausea. I awake with it, I bare it through breakfast and it sticks with me like the summer heat until I doze off at about 10pm each night. But, each day, I find myself thanking Jesus for the gift that is another little bean growing slowly inside me (and pushing the pouch that Jack left over quickly out) and that we're almost to 10 weeks and almost to the end of the first trimester. Praise Jesus! I've felt so sick since 2 weeks before I even missed my period (does this happen to other people?) and have felt it get worse as each week passes. But, man. It's been such a great reminder that things are going well. That though it was so hard to lose a little one in February, that God's timing is perfect. That the little bean in there is hopefully growing like they should be and Lord willing we will meet him or her the end of January. Another reason why I'm listening to Christmas music every day? Perhaps.

this was taken right before my sister's graduation back in May.

While our little bean has been growing each week, Jack has been growing almost as quickly. He is changing and while I rocked him to sleep today (for he got his leg stuck in the side of the crib and had a litttttle bit of a freak out) I looked at his head and arms and long legs and could hardly believe he is almost two. How does time go so quickly? John and I were talking the other day and I thought out loud, "Jack will never know what it's like to be an only child. He won't remember this time. Being a big brother is all he'll ever know." To which we both smiled. Siblings are truly glorious things.

I'm off for a little nap, please don't judge. Or judge that I just bought a big 'ol thing of potato salad at costco. Helllooo, summer.


Karen Ruth said...
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Karen Ruth said...

I am soooo happy for you! You (and that growing baby) will definitely be in our prayers for the next months. God is good, my friend!

Julie said...


leigh hewett said...

Congrats!! Hold on...your computer time is going to be widdled down even more come Feb.

So exciting!!!!

Roxanne said...

Oh, cectra!! That is so fabulous! Yes, siblings do make life so sweet. May you both cherish and endure this season with a double dose of grace. Lyublya tebya!!

Moments and Impressions said...

I am crying now! So SO happy for you! Oh man morning sickness and high heat are a bad combo... praying for you.

Kristina said...

oh Mel! I couldn't be happier to hear the news! The CPs (the west coast section) did a toast to you on Friday night, Canada Day.
Much much love to you.

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