10 May 2013

eebee baby

I kind of understand why I  er, Zoey loves this little show so much.

Well, both her and Jack actually.

It's given me some seriously great ideas on how to best help with their development and ways to let them make messes, but without goin' all crazy on me. It's also actively playing out the way I feel is so important to interact with children, but is sometimes hard for some parent's. Some parents are super hands on and for others, I think, it's kind of tricky to be hands on with kids because there isn't a whole lot of productivity and yet the day is full of routines which doesn't leave room for accomplishing a whole lot during the day.

But these videos really help to show how you can be productive with your kiddos and help grow their minds.

Obviously not watching the show, but doing those activities with them. haha.

It is oh-so-cute and Zoey gets so excited every time she hears the theme song. I try not to let them watch TV too much, but if it means I get a minute to clean up the kitchen or get dressed then, well, so be it. And, for the record, I am just not one of those anti-tv mom's. Truth is, TV helped formed many of my imaginative adventures as a youngster and it really gave me deep appreciation and love for a good acted out story (I guess books can do that as well, but differently.)

There are a few on netflix instant, by the way, and each one focus on a different motor development. Really cute.

That's all.

1 comment:

Les is more said...

Hey! Thanks for the tiP! TV is a unique form of story telling, I love it! ITs just a matter of personal convictions and moderating proportions, right? :)

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