18 September 2011

It's a. . . . . . .


Honestly, I was really surprised. I really thought it was going to be a boy and though I had a small hunch that it was a girl (one example being my crazy hormones during this pregnancy. I am supplying estrogen for two, people!) that was the biggest giveaway. However, we had a perfect boy name picked out that I loved and dreamed about saying ever day. But girl names...they are harder for us to decide/agree on. Such a big responsibility to name a future woman. Jack's name wasn't hard because #1. He's named after his dad directly. and #2. I felt like there were so many inspiring people named Jack and it was a great hero name.

these are from some of my favorite books as a kid

A girl? That's a bit trickier. Probably because I am a girl and there tends to be a bit more baggage behind a name. Good or bad. It's just tough. We do have a couple that we really like, but I'm not settled just yet. I guess I do have some time.

I'm also feeling a little overwhelmed on providing a new wardrobe for this little tike. I love used stuff and was looking forward to the next kiddo wearing all of Jack's fun outfits that he outgrew way too fast. Oh well. Maybe next time. I've already started to go through and pick out things that could be worn on a girl. I was pretty much a tomboy as a kid and having two older brothers I didn't think much about cute outfits or dresses (unless they were dress-up clothes) I just wanted something I could ride a bike in, pretend in and play barbies in. This is a whoooollle new adventure. 

My heart is also humbled at this incredible opportunity to raise a woman for Jesus. Such a beautiful and challenging task to encourage them during those delicate years ahead. Getting their heart broken, feeling left out, awkward, and all those other wonderful things a young woman feels. I pray to be supportive, but allow them to experience and feel on their own. I know Jack will go through things like that too, but it will be different and he might not want to talk about his feelings much at all by then. Oh, man. Teenagers. Thank God we've got a little time before that.

All that to say, we are excited. John especially. Now if we could just decide on a name... ;)


Heather Kinkel said...

Yay!! Congrats, guys! BTW - Baby Dear is one of mine & Kyle's favorite stories to read together...
Oh, girl names... I've got so so so many that I will sadly never use :( Have fun and choose wisely! Ha!
Sawyer, Rogue, Brighton, Jane, Lily, really I could go on and on... ENJOY! The moments are fleeting :)

SkyMommy said...

Congratulations! You're going to have so much fun with your little girl. I'm excited for you!

Rebecca said...

Little Golden Books are the best. We have those books......

Rebecca said...

And Congratulations!!!

Julie said...

Yay for PINK!!

Les is more said...

Way cool!

Emily said...

I loved those Little Golden Books, too! That last picture, of the little girl making a pie, was always one of my favorites. And as for names, well, there's always Renesmee. :-D

(This is Emily Ragsdale, by the way...I was bored earlier and snooping around on Facebook and found out you have a blog. Hope you don't mind!)

(I'm not sure why you'd mind, since your posts are public, but I overthink everything. :-P)

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