09 May 2011

mama day/week

This Mother's Day turned into an all week event. 

I took the liberty to make each day a Mother celebration. 

A gracious and dear friend volunteered to watch us young mom's kiddos on Wednesday so during that time I got a hair cut. Getting your hair washed when you spend a significant amount of time each day washing dishes, washing kids, washing hands, washing kid's hair, washing down tables and a high chair, is absolutely incredible.

It was awesome.

On Friday night a few of us young mama's hit the town and got delicious appetizers, dessert and some (decaf) coffee. We chatted, laughed, shared our love stories, shared advice and experiences, exchanged birthing stories and had a few bathroom breaks mixed up in between. Three hours of some bursts of laughter, inappropriate conversation for our 15 year old waiter's ears to hear (he probably wasn't 15, but my goodness, he looked young) and delicious food made this mama's day a day of joy. And my heart wells up with thankfulness at the friendships God has allowed me to experience. Both friendships over the years and the new friendships that accompany this mama-journey with love. 

and no evening would be complete without a little photo shoot.

Saturday morning brought snuggles in the early morning, with waffles and strawberries. Parties throughout the afternoon (not M-Day related, but quite fun) and good food, ya'll. I associate a good time often with good food.

Sunday my parents and sister came up north and we browsed the antique stores downtown and ate pizza while the weather cooled. I'm looking forward to the Mother's Days to come. I'm thankful for my mother and all she taught me and how she created such a lovable childhood for us. I'm thankful for John's mom who raised him to be such an awesome man and daddy. I'm so thankful to be a mama. To see Jack think of proud I am to get to be his mom. It's the greatest gift. 

The day ended with a story read by grandma and Jack's tired little self fighting sleep like no bodies business.


Rebecca said...

I firmly believe that once my placenta slid out of my uterus the 'youngins' got lots younger. High school boys look like babies.

Glad you had a great time~

Karen Ruth said...

I LOVE that last photo...he is holding that mug like a pro! So cute. Miss you!

Moments and Impressions said...

Mommy's week is the best idea ever! I love all the mom friends you have and your mom with the little guy is so sweet.

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