22 August 2005

"Oh There You Are, Peter"

Oi! Me friend Kate came for a visit this last week. SHe was my room mate 2nd term at BIble school, we had a fantastic time!
My cousin Nina eating black berries a few days before Kate came.
The trip up to Sadona. Attemping to be cool. Didn't quite work.
This is where you would find us if you have come over late at night. Sitting around the piano singing.
Me Sadona
Sadona, Arizona
Me new coat
This is the new coat I bought for the Ukraine. Looks a little Penny Lane. I prayed that if Jesus wanted me to have it it would be there when we came back. Strangly enough, one day after we had found it all were gone but one. God is great.
Little cousin Marko.
Nina devouring berries.
Whereis Kate?
Where is Kate in this one?
Where are all the berries?
Where did the berries go?
Where are the snacks?
While we were at the store and right before this happened, I asked Kate "Where are the snacks in this place?" and all she did was point above her head. Genius.
My personal favourite. Such dramatic faces the both of us.
I think we was runnin' at this point.
Setting Out
Me and Kate
Kate and Josh
Kate with her "brother" Josh.
Finding Mam's Gift
Here I am searching for a gift for me mam.
At Ikea
Me, Kate, Daci and Nina at IKEA
Go Billy!
A new little joy in our life named Billy Elliot. Here is me and Kate doing our Billy pose.


thekate said...

hullo luv.
what to say? what to say??? there are no words. there just are no words.

thank you, Jesus, for Mel. For Phoenix. For pianos and Billys. For EVERYTHING and so much more.
For visas to the Ukraine!!!!!!!!!!

p.s. You are photographically brilliant, you know. I love the pictures. I can't wait to see the ones you take in the next few months.

Spiro said...

I am so G-less

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