29 March 2006

check. this. out.

a small few know what film this photo is from...(thanks to kristina for introducing this picture to me) and if you don't know what it is from, i highly recommend you find out. a new movie, called Everything Is Illuminated...

it beautifully captures Ukraine and its humble estate and yet the reality of what lies on the history of that country. it catches the simple minded and hilarious Ukrainian people as well as the typical Americans. it's a true story with genuis shots and the music is fantastic. the movie would not be a movie without alex.

please, please. go and rent this. and enjoy it. and think of Ukraine while you do. and remember everything that went on there.

maybe this post was in vain. maybe not.

...is anyone alive out there?


thekate said...

alive out here and missing you.
reply to wonderful email coming soon....

everything IS illuminated
and i felt so much of your experience peeking through the movie...


Spiro said...

i'm aliiiiiiiive! bout time you put up a post. i'll watch it for you buddy.

Christy Childers said...

i've been trying to rent this for weeks but the store only bought 2 copies & they were never in... i finally saw it & i loved it!

Anonymous said...

I heard a rumor you would be coming North for a certain reunion.
Then i discovered the date...
and I can't be there.
Could we make it happen at the end of August as well, or is that asking too much?

Kristina said...

that was me who just posted by the way. sorry about that.

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