21 November 2010

Happiness Project: episode 4

Yesterday Jack got up at 4am. 4-a-m. That is way too early to be awake. After 2 HOURS of trying to put him back to sleep he dozed off around 6 and slept until 8:30 (which is something he hasn't done since he was 4 months old.) We celebrated by getting McDonalds coffee and rushed to meet friends for our first off-roading adventure with the Land Cruisy.  The sky was overcast and the wind was strong, but it wasn't that cold. It was just perfect.

We took the trails carefully and Jack slept for most of the time (after waking up at 4am, I would too.) We stopped at our favorite look out and ate clementines and drank coffee (not the best mixture, citrus and bitter coffee, but ya know. We were being adventurous!)

 Later we (as in Keri and I) went to Goodwill with the kiddo. Pro? It was 50% off day. Con? Trying to maneuver around the madness that is Goodwill on 50% off day.

On Friday night John and I went to the Resort in Prescott where we saw our Gingerbread house display!

Since Jack has stopped nursing I've noticed this little boy introducing himself. He's always been a boy, obviously, but for the first year he seemed to be just a baby. He's gotten a little personality that is hilarious and so loving. Am I a bit bias? Of course. He recently started giving hugs and when he gets up from his nap he reaches to me and hugs my neck so tight. Oh, I'm a puddle of love every time.
Jack giving his precious hugs.

My most recent song obsession? Gwyneth Paltrow singing
 Forget You.

I'm not the hugest fan of Glee, but I do love this version. 
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I could literally listen to a favorite song all day for a week. Then...I'm looking for something new. Is that bad?



Anonymous said...

Mel, I am the same exact way when it comes to songs. I get obsessed with a favorite song and that's all I can listen to.. for a while, and then it's time to find a new one!

Your little boy looks so sweet hugging you. :)

Sharelle said...

I really love reading the chronicle of your life Mel.

It brings me a lot of joy that I still get to know about the little things that happen day to day with you.

And I've been listening to Forget You non-stop too. Tonight Matt called "my current song" - I get them too.

Les is more said...

ok! zander has been talking about putting a new engine in the jeep and getting it trail worthy once again..once its out of the shop, we're going with you next time off roading!

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